Dementia & Brain Health News for

Published: Sun, 03/19/17

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Drinking and Dementia: What is the Connection?
Red Wine
Though a controversial area of research, some studies indicate drinking moderate amounts of red wine may slow declines in brain function. With respect to consuming wine and other alcoholic beverages, moderation is the key word....
Can your memory go completely?
Can Your Memory Go Completely
[VIDEO 2:28 minutes] We all love to hear our favorite song, especially when stuck in traffic. And even if it's been years since you've last heard it, the words flood back to you. Yet, when it comes to other things...
Get Ready for STEP2RAISE 2017
I'm going to make this happen
Coming soon, the annual STEP2RAISE Dementia & Brain Health Challenge! Starting on Mother's Day Weekend, Sat May 13th, through Father's Day, Sun June 18th. We'll attempt to walk across America - together! Use your Fitbit, Garmin or app and join the fun. Look for individual and TEAM setup / registration details soon.
Dementia Society of America | PO Box 600 | Doylestown, PA 18901
Toll-free Information Line 1-844-DEMENTIA (844-336-3684)
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